Your Expiration Date
Everything in life has an expiration date…food, friendships, jobs, memories, children, marriages, parents, credit cards, and more.
Your Date with Destiny
One day you also will have an expiration date, and at the same time you will have a date with destiny.
Your Choice
The good news is that you get to choose where you will reside in your eternal destiny but only if you make that decision before your physical death. Learn how on this podcast.
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View 1-Minute how-to teaching videos by Pastor John Haggard by clicking here.
You Can Be Responsible for More People Learning About Heaven & Hell
God is the only one who can save someone for eternity in heaven. If you’d like to help more people learn about the differences between Heaven and Hell by spreading the Good News about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, click this link to Give. https://treasuretop.com/give/
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