
What Does the Word “Christmas” Really Mean?

Pastor John Life Change Moments
Pastor John's Life Change Moments
Pastor John's Life Change Moments
What Does the Word “Christmas” Really Mean?

In this episode, Pastor John talks about what the word “Christmas” means and how it impacts where you will live in eternity.

Summary of Episode

What Does the Word “Christmas” Really Mean? “Christmas” literally means “Christ’s mass,” the annual holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus who came to save us by PAYING for all of our sins – past, present, and future – NO MATTER WHAT WE HAVE EVER DONE! That’s a true Christmas present, and it’s the most expensive present that we’ll ever receive. Jesus’ Christmas present is priceless because Jesus paid for it with His life, and it’s the only gift that will last forever. The gift of Jesus Christ is very practical because we’ll use the gift everyday with the Holy Spirit that resides inside each of us to guide everyone who has accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

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