In this episode, Pastor John talks about how to prevent arguments. 4 seconds can be the key to saving a relationship.
How To Prevent Arguments – The 4-Second Rule That Will Change Your Life
Did you know that 4 seconds could save your marriage, your job, a relationship, and your health? 4 seconds. For example, if you are in a heated argument, have you noticed how you begin talking over each other, voices get louder, and nobody’s listening? Before the next argument starts, because it will, agree in advance to adhere to the 4-second rule.
Here’s how it works
You give each person the opportunity to speak without interruption, and then after 4 seconds of silence, it’s your turn to speak. And after 4 seconds of silence from you, then it’s their turn to speak. And so forth until you’re both done speaking. James 1:19 and 20 in the Bible says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” Try the 4-second rule to prevent arguments, and would you write me and tell me how it went? By the way, I do this for free. I don’t take a salary from Treasure Top.
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