In this episode, Pastor John talks about the one person who will never label you, libel you, slander you, or walk out on you, no matter what you’ve done.
Have you been burned by people who you THOUGHT were your friends? Ever had someone walk out on you? There’s ONE person who will never burn you, leave you, forsake you, harm you, or make fun of you, and that person is Jesus Christ. NO MATTER WHAT YOU’VE EVER DONE, it doesn’t cost anything to receive full forgiveness by accepting the free gift of eternal life in Heaven! All sin must be paid for, and Jesus died on the cross to pay for ALL of our sins — past, present, and even the ones we are about to commit!” Wouldn’t you want to know somebody who’d be willing to DIE for you? … If you’d like to be forgiven for every thing you’ve ever done, just accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, by praying to yourself or out loud, “Jesus, I’ve blown it… Please come into my heart… I WANT you to be my Lord and Savior… Forgive me of my sins…” If you feel a prompting in your heart, it may be God who is inviting you to proclaim His Son as your Lord and Savior. Click here (https://treasuretop.com/next-steps-after-accepting-jesus-christ-as-lord-and-savior/) to find out next steps you can take (https://treasuretop.com/next-steps-after-accepting-jesus-christ-as-lord-and-savior/) .
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