What If We Have Bad Memories of Our Mom?
Learn why we should honor our Mothers on Mother’s Day, EVEN IF the word “mother” brings up bad memories.
Were There Good Moms in the Bible?
In the New Testament, there was a great pastor named Timothy who pastored the Ephesian church. The Apostle Paul tell us where Timothy got his start in 2 Timothy 1:5 – “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice…and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”
No Perfect Moms
The true significance of Mother’s Day can be summed up this way: God used your mother to bring you into this life because He has a specific purpose for you. God knew the exact DNA he needed to create a unique you, and that took your Mom, not someone else’s Mom. There may be some like you, but there is no one who is a carbon copy of you. Even identical twins are not identical.
Need Prayer or Know a Mom Who Needs Prayer?
Send us your prayer request or a prayer request for someone else by clicking this link: https://treasuretop.com/contact/
Learn More
Read our blog post about “Is Celebrating Mother’s Day Biblical?“
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