If you died tonight, why should God let you in to His Heaven?
On this episode, Pastor John Haggard says that a lot of people think there is NO WAY a good God would ever let them into Heaven because of what they have done on earth.
The bad news is: there’s no amount of “good” anyone can do to get into Heaven.
The good news is: it’s ONLY by the GRACE of God that anyone can go to Heaven.
How do we get God’s grace to get into Heaven?
The Bible gives a three-word answer: by trusting Christ. “No longer counting on being saved by being good enough or by obeying God’s laws, but by trusting Christ to save me.” (Philippians 3:9 NIV)
Listen to learn more about what does NOT get someone into heaven and what DOES allow someone into Heaven.
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God is the only one who can save someone for eternity in heaven. If you’d like to help more people learn about the differences between Heaven and Hell by spreading the Good News about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, click this link to Give: https://treasuretop.com/give/
Video Resources
View 1-Minute how-to teaching videos by Pastor John Haggard by clicking here.
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