How to Survive Spiritual Bankruptcy
There has never been more Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional, and Financial Bankruptcy in modern times than there is right now. My new series may be one of the most important messages I’ve ever preached. Because the world is in such a massive and horrific meltdown, it will take several messages spread out over several weeks.
Spiritual Bankruptcy Celebration
This seems hard to believe, but Spiritual Bankruptcy is actually celebrated by millions of people who define it as their best life now, even though they do not call it Spiritual Bankruptcy. It’s a way of life embraced by a new world order that is largely based on current trends of this world.
One of the main reasons we see Spiritual Bankruptcy in such large numbers of people today is largely embraced by this one truth that is actually not truth at all. Have you heard this statement: “Whatever is someone’s truth is their truth, and it’s none of your business?” That statement says that no matter what someone is facing in life, what they FEEL is truth is their truth.
More Reasons
Learn more reasons why there is rampant Spiritual Bankruptcy in today’s message and what you or someone you know can do about it.
Life Change Moments
Learn More About Life Changing Moments to Help You Break Through Troubled Times
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How To Make Life Work When Life Does Not Want to Work
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Email me: john@treasuretop.com
Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Pastor John Haggard