In this episode, Pastor John talks about why there is so much adversity in life.
The “Why” Behind Adversity
If God is such a good God, why is there so much adversity in life? Charles Stanley once said, “Our adversities are God’s universities.” God uses adversity as a university training ground to reach us, teach us, discipline us, lead us, guide us, to get us ready for our next promotion for what He wants to do in our lives, once we pass the CURRENT test. Just like school when you have to pass one test to advance, God has tests for us as well. A 2000 article in Christianity Today said, ”The wonderful thing about God’s schoolroom … is that we get to grade our own papers. God doesn’t test us so HE can learn how well we’re doing. He tests us so WE can discover how well we’re doing.” 2nd Corinthians 13:5 says, “Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?”
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