How to Conquer Fear (Part 1)
Gallup Poll
A Gallup poll conducted in October of 2023 says that personal safety fears are at a three-decade high in the United States. “Forty percent of Americans, the most in three decades, say they would be afraid to walk alone at night within a mile of their home. Additionally, half of U.S. adults worry about having their car stolen or broken into, while 44% worry about their home being burglarized when they aren’t there. More than 3 in 10 worry about getting mugged (37%) or being attacked while driving (32%).”
Types of Fear
Not all fear is bad. Some fear is good. Some fear is productive. And some fear is of God Himself. God has put in all of us the good part of fear which is the self-protective kind of fear, to help protect us and to serve us.
The Fear You Should Be Afraid Of
In Matthew 20:28 (NASB), Jesus speaking to his disciples on what it means to be a disciple says, ““And do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” [emphasis mine]. God is the one who destroys in hell; persecutors can only harm or kill the body.
Steps to Conquer Fear
Listen to today’s podcast to learn the first three steps on How to Conquer Fear including the power of prayer and the word of God to serve as your fortress.
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Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Pastor John Haggard