In this episode, Pastor John talks about how God is a God of second chances…no matter WHAT you’ve done…lying, cheating, stealing, divorce, adultery, you name it.
Did you know God is a God of second chances…no matter WHAT you’ve done, whether it is lying, cheating, stealing, divorce, adultery, or something else. The greatest Christian on earth who ever lived, next to Jesus Christ, was the apostle Paul who MURDERED Christians, and yet God used HIM to bring Christ to thousands of people who then became saved for eternal life in Heaven. If God can use a murderer, he can use you and me! It doesn’t matter WHAT you’ve done.
What Matters Most
What matters is what Jesus has done FOR you. How can YOU get a second chance? Pray this prayer to yourself or outloud: “Jesus, come into my heart. I make you my Lord and Savior. Forgive me of my sins.” If you just prayed that prayer and really mean it, you can release yourself from a self-imposed jail.
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