Why “Forgive Us Our Christmases?”
The title for this message “Forgive Us Our Christmases” came from a sermon of 40 years ago preached by Adrian Rogers. The title probably reminds you, as it does me, of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9 which contains, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” So why would we also want to also pray “Forgive Us Our Christmases?”
All About Me
One reason we would want to also pray “Forgive Us Our Christmases” is to ask forgiveness for all of the Christmases where the focus was on ourselves instead of Jesus Christ. Things like “What am I going to get for Christmas?” or “What should I give my friend for Christmas?”
If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “Nothing’s changed,” you know that refers to a repeat of events or circumstances that never seem to go away, generation after generation. An example of one thing that has never changed is the outright hatred of Jesus Christ. An early instance in the Bible that describes Jesus being despised or hated, particularly in relation to His arrival on Earth, is found in Matthew 2:1-18. These verses speak of King Herod’s response to the news of Jesus’ birth. Upon hearing from the Magi (those were known as the wise men from the East) that a new “king of the Jews” had been born, Herod perceived Jesus’ birth as a threat to his power. So in an attempt to eliminate this perceived threat, Herod ordered the massacre of all male children age 2 and younger. It’s another example of All About Me.
How Can I Learn More?
Any time that someone has denied Christ, or been ashamed to share Christ, or been afraid to speak about Christ in the workplace for fear of losing a job or a promotion, or for fear of being harassed, just like the Lord’s Prayer “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”, we should also pray “Forgive Us Our Christmases.” Whatever we put first in our lives ahead of God is a sin.
Listen to today’s podcast, and if you know of someone who struggles with giving thanks, this podcast can help bring a new peace to their lives.
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