Can the Devil and Other Forces Make Me Do Something?
Have you ever wanted to know if the devil makes you do things? Or if the power of temptation makes you do things? Or if the power of other people make you do things?
Is the Devil Real or a Myth?
A lot of people think the Devil is a myth. After all if you have not actually seen him, how can he actually be real?
Things You Already Believe In That You Cannot See
- The wind. You can’t actually see the wind. One of the ways you do is that you see the effects of what wind does.
- Gravity. If there were no gravity, we would all be floating in space somewhere. So that means that gravity is very much real, but you can’t see it.
- Radio and television waves. Right now where you are, there are radio waves and television waves all around you; you can’t see them, but you believe in them because you can
- Thoughts. Can you see anyone else’s thoughts? Can anyone see your thoughts? The answer is, “‘No you can’t “see” thoughts,’” but you believe in them because you have thoughts, and so do other people.
Learn More
Learn if the devil is real or not on this podcast, and join us at TreasureTop.com for more messages and life hacks that can help you make life work when life does not want to work.
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Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Pastor John Haggard