Is Anger Good or Bad?
Last week we learned that there are two types of anger : Righteous Anger and Unrighteous Anger.
Self-Help Books
On today’s podcast, learn why self-help books don’t work in dealing with burning anger.
The Sin Virus
Unrighteous Burning Anger comes from sin. And we all have ALL inherited the sin virus…that’s the guilt and moral corruption of Adam’s sin. “Therefore, just as through one man / sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned…” (Romans 5:12 NASB).
What You Can Learn
- An example of righteous anger
- How to keep from feeling guilty when you are angry
- How a God of love can be a God of wrath at the same time
- If people can really be angry even though they don’t look or sound angry
- Anger cues that are the warning signs
- Should we forgive someone who has maliciously hurt us?
- How can the 4-second rule help?
Most Requested Free Resource
- How a Christian Can Know If He or She Is Really Saved . Click here to read the article.
Help Others Learn About the Implications of Eternity.
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If You or Someone You Know Is Not a Christian
- If you feel a stirring or prompting in your heart that you have not felt before or maybe have ignored before, it could be God asking you to accept his Son as your Lord and Savior. If you reject the prompting of the Holy Spirit, you remove yourself from the only force (the power of the Holy Spirit) that can lead you to repentance and restoration to God.
- Because there is no second chance to accept Christ if you die before you accept Him, invite Him into your heart now, proclaim Him your Lord and Savior, and ask forgiveness of your sins. It’s the most significant decision that you can make about where you are going to spend eternity.
How To Make Life Work When Life Does Not Want to Work. To receive tips on ways to make life work when life doesn’t want to work, click here to subscribe to our free newsletter.
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Email me: john@treasuretop.com
Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Pastor John Haggard