This time of year there’s a lot of focus on New Year’s Resolutions because most of us would like to have a better year than last year. But why do most New Year’s Resolutions never last?
Why Say “Beware?”
We need to understand what makes resolutions work and what makes resolutions fail. When we depend upon our own power to make New Year’s Resolutions work, have you noticed that at some point that power runs down, the batteries run down, and there is no more power left to maintain the New Year’s Resolution? Even the Energizer Bunny’s batteries eventually run down. They may last longer than other batteries as the ads claim, but they will run down eventually.
Resurrection Power
What we need is “resurrection power”, the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, and anyone can have that same resurrection power in the form of the Holy Spirit IF he or she has accepted Jesus Christ as one’s your Lord and Savior. It doesn’t mean you are going to have a good day every day because life still throws us curveballs.
Recent Poll
A poll taken recently by Forbes Magazine, when asked “What are your top New Year’s resolutions for 2024, 48% said ‘improve fitness’; 38% said ‘improve finances’; 36% said ‘improve mental health’; 34% said ‘lose weight’; 32% said ‘improve diet’, down to 3% said ‘drink less alcohol’.
Notice What Is Missing?
Notice what is missing here? Spending time with God did not make the list. Now you see why we should “Beware of New Year’s Resolutions.” Nothing mentioned in the Forbes Magazine poll mentions WHERE the POWER is going to come from to make New Year’s Resolutions WORK and LAST.
How Long Does a New Year’s Resolution Last?
From the same Forbes poll when people were asked, “How Long Does the Average New Year’s Resolution Last?” Forbes found 22% said 2 months, another 22% said 3 months, 13% said 4 months, 9% said 5 months, and when they got down to 12 months, you know what the answer was? 1%. Only 1% said their resolutions lasted 12 months.
How to Learn More
Learn how you can get the everlasting power to make New Year’s Resolutions last, and learn the difference between what lasts and what does not last when making a New Year’s Resolution on today’s podcast.
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Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Pastor John Haggard