
How Is the Best Way to Pray (Video Part 2)

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The Model for Prayer as Taught by Jesus

Learn verse by verse in this video podcast how Jesus taught his disciples to pray using The Lord’s Prayer as a model.

Easiest Way to Remember How to Pray

Think of the word pray as P-R-A-Y. We should do each of these things in our prayers to God:

  • P (Praise God for what He has given us)
  • R (Repent, turn away from our continuing sins)
  • A (Ask God for what we need in accordance with His will)
  • Y (Yield – God’s way, not our way)

How People Are Saved for Eternity in Heaven

If you are not a Christian but you are feeling a prompting in your heart, it may be God who is inviting you to accept his Son as your Lord and Savior. Accept Jesus into your heart NOW, proclaim Him your Lord and Savior, and ask forgiveness of your sins. Only God can save you. No pastor, no preacher, even you can’t save you.

No Second Chances

There are no second chances to accept Christ IF YOU DIE before you accept Him. Do it now if He is prompting you.

Popular Resources: 

  • How a Christian Can Know If He or She Is Really Saved. Click here to read the article.
  • Why Self-Help Books Don’t Really Help. Learn more by clicking here.

Help Others Receive Breakthroughs from the Word of God

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We are only limited by our resources and rely on donations from people like you that allow us to fulfill Jesus’ command Matthew 28:19 on radio, television, YouTube, social media, and the internet:

  • “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…”

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Learn More About Life Changing Moments to Help You Break Through Troubled Times. Join me at TreasureTop.com for more messages that can help make life work when life does not want to work.

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*Let Us Know If You Have a Prayer Request, Feedback, or a Question

From Me

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