Happy Father’s Day Week!
In my last message, I spoke on step 1 to Fatherly Influence, recognizing the single authority from which we must all draw in order to gain wisdom and discernment. That authority is found in the inerrant word of God, the Holy Bible. And we learned where to specifically start in the Bible for understanding how to become a father that honors God THE Father.
We learned that the word of God is revealed to Christians in 3 ways: through revelation, through inspiration, and through illumination. If you missed Part 1, you can click here to listen.
Illumination is given to all believers by means of the Holy Spirit, and in each case, the Holy Spirit (also known as the Spirit of God) is the divine agent who is doing the work on illumination. 2 Peter 1:21 (NASB) says, “…for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”
We learned why the word “father” has a very negative connotation for some and what can be done about it.
We learned sobering statistics about fatherless homes and the impact on children.
And we learned the traits of fathers who will not give up on their families.
Learn more on today’s podcast about fatherly influence – what it is and why it matters – in part 2 of 2, and also learn how fathers can protect their families from a world which is growing darker by the day.
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Popular Resources
- How a Christian Can Know If He or She Is Really Saved. Click here to read.
- Why Self-Help Books Don’t Really Help. Learn more by clicking here.
No Second Chance After Someone Dies
If you or someone you know is not a Christian (this is referred to as someone not being “Saved”), but you or they feel a stirring or prompting in the heart that has not been felt before, it may be God asking you to accept his Son as your Lord and Savior. Only God can save an individual, no preacher or magic phrases. Even you can’t save you (refer to Ephesians 2:8-9).
- There is no second chance to accept Christ if someone dies before accepting Christ.
- The decision to accept Him must be made now as none of us know when we will draw our last breath on earth.
- Pray and invite Christ into your heart now, proclaim Him your Lord and Savior, and ask forgiveness of your sins. It’s the most significant decision that one can make and determines where you are going to spend eternity, either in heaven or in hell.
How To Make Life Work When Life Does Not Want to Work. To receive wisdom tips based on the word of God for helpful ways to make life work when life doesn’t want to work, click here to subscribe to our free newsletter.
Click here if you have a prayer request for you or someone you know.
Email me: john@treasuretop.com
Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Pastor John Haggard